▷ Architectural Photography Hamburg


▷ Interior Photography Hamburg


▷ Industrial Photography Hamburg


▷ Maritime Photography Hamburg


▷ Corporate Photography Hamburg


▷ Landscape Photography Hamburg


▷ Hamburg and world wide


Dominik Reipka is a professional photographer who specialises in architectural photography, interior photography and corporate photography. He is based in Hamburg, Germany and works world wide.

On enquiry we will compile you a cost estimate for any shooting you are interested in. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Architectural Photography Hamburg

Dominik Reipka photographs for reputable architect´s offices and architecture investment fonds. He pictures villas, office buildings, museums both outside views and interior. With his photography he elevates even unimposing buildings to exceptional architecture.
click here for architectural photography


Interior Photography Hamburg

No matter if you run a chancellery, an office or a retail store. Interior photographs from Dominik Reipka let your rooms shine, so that more clients will stop by.
click here for interior photography


Industrial Photography Hamburg

For companies Dominik Reipka photographs industrial production lines and factories. He puts even big Installations on stage with his clear and graphical view.
click here for industry photography


Maritime Photography

Since 2004 Dominik Reipka works in the maritime sector for different shipping companies and investment companies. In the past years he has built up a comprehensive archive of photographs of the port of Hamburg. In his exhibition “HEIMAT HAFEN” which was presented to the Phototriennale 2008 on board of MS Cap San Diego he has shown a widely recognized work.


Corporate Photography

By combining the different fields of work Dominik Reipka created consistent imageries for a number of companies. Within this a repeatedly asked conceptual formulation was to show a positively appearing authenticity.
Dominik Reipka is documenting the important entrepreneurial fields of work – from portraying the staff to photograph corporate presentations and events.
click here for corporate photography


Landscape Photography

Dominik Reipka has developed an impressive style in his landscape photography. His works have been shown as large tables as well as in advertising context.
click here for landscape photography


In the past years Dominik Reipka has built up a network of freelance stylists, graphic artists,postproducioners and other. So he will always have the right people for you in his team. On interest you can have a look into his blog about professional photography.

Dominik Reipka | Photographer Hamburg

Dominik Reipka studied geography in Heidelberg (1992-1995) and photography at LETTE – Verein in Berlin (1995-1998). Afterwards he assisted to two internationally established photographers in transportion and advertising. Since 2000 he is freelance photographer with focus on architecture, interior, industry and maritime. He lives in Hamburg, Germany.