Das Portraitfoto oben zeigt den Inhaber eines international tätigen Marktforschungsunternehmens mit Schwerpunkt Automotive. Das Bild ist Teil der Fotoproduktion für die Unternehmensdarstellung.
The portrait photo above shows the owner of an international market research company focusing on automotive. The picture is part of the photo production for the company presentation.
Auf dem Foto oben posiert Boris Becker mit dem Inhaber eines deutschen Mittelständlers.
In the photo above, Boris Becker poses with the owner of a German medium-sized company.
Das Foto oben zeigt Stefan Lübbe, den Mehrheitsaktionär des Bastei Lübbe Verlags in Köln.
The photo above shows Stefan Lübbe, the majority shareholder of Bastei Lübbe publishing house in Cologne.
Auf dem Bild oben sehen Sie Bruce Chizen, CEO Adobe und Senior Advisor von Permira und den deutschen Geschäftsführer Adobe.
The picture above shows Bruce Chizen, CEO Adobe and Senior Advisor of Permira and the German CEO Adobe.
Das Bild oben stammt aus der Vorstellung „Juri entdeckt Paris“ in der Elbphilharmonie Hamburg. Eine musikalische Reise von Juri Tetzlaff entlang des Musicals „Ein Amerikaner in Paris“ von George Gershwin, Dirigent: Jason Weaver.
The picture above is from the performance "Juri discovers Paris" in the Elbphilharmony Hamburg. A musical journey of Juri Tetzlaff along the musical "An American in Paris" by George Gershwin, conductor: Jason Weaver.
Auf dem Bild oben sehen Sie Klaus Reinhardt, Vorsitzender des Hartmannbunds auf dem 119.Deutschen Ärztetag in Hamburg.
The picture above shows Klaus Reinhardt, chairman of the Hartmannbund at the 119th Deutscher Aerztetag in Hamburg.
Das Foto oben zeigt übrigens den Spa und Fitnessbereich des Grand Elysee Hotels in Hamburg.
Incidentally, the photo above shows the spa and fitness area of the Grand Elysee Hotel in Hamburg.
Das Foto oben zeigt Marc Rohde, Functional Trainer und Inhaber von Elbsprint. Das Bild ist das Titelfoto des Buchs „Funktionell trainieren wie die Weltmeister“ für das ich sämtliche Fotos gemacht habe.
By the way the picture above shows Marc Rohde, Functional Trainer and owner of Urban Training. The picture is the cover photo of the book "Train functionally like the world champions" for which I took all pictures.
Oben sehen Sie Immo Ströher bei der Taufe des weltgrössten elektrisch angetriebenen Seeschiffs Turanor Planetsolar, das von ihm grösstenteils finanziert wurde.
Above you can see Immo Ströher at the naming ceremony of the world`s largest electrically powered seagoing vessel. The vessel Turanor Planetsolar was largely financed by him.
Auf der Fotografie oben sehen Sie die Turanor Planetsolar kurz vor ihrer Taufe und dem Fall des Vorhangs.
On the photograph above, you can see the Turanor Planetsolar shortly before its naming ceremony and the fall of the curtain.
corporate photography
Do you require high-quality, professional company photographs?
Then you’ve come to the right place.
I’ve been creating professional
business photographs for companies from the fields of industry, commerce, manufacturing, research, maritime economy and more for 20 years. My list of clients includes small and medium-sized companies as well as publicly traded enterprises.
Please find an extract of my
references here.
Just give me a call and we will work out a concept or a strategy for a professional photo shoot for your company together.
Do you require a photo story regarding industrial manufacturing processes, or
industry photographs of operating procedures which are suitable for marketing purposes? I’m happy to take a look at your company and your business area to take outstanding business photographs. I can photograph employee portraits in a mobile photo studio on your premises or in the employees’ “natural” environment“ — as you prefer.
Of course, all my photographs undergo professional image processing before delivery, so that they can be used in annual reports, on websites and in brochures without any further editing.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Dominik Reipka