Architekt Daniel Libeskind
Die Fotografie oben stammt übrigens aus dem Projekt "Eagle in Flight" in Tirana vom Architekturbüro Daniel Libeskind. Fotografiert habe ich für den Architekten und den Baustoffhersteller Knauf.
The photograph at the top of this page is showing the project "Eagle in Flight" in Tirana. I shot this building for the architect and for the company Knauf. A worldwide leader in producing building materials.
Architekt Daniel Libeskind
Die Architekturfotografie oben stammt übrigens aus dem Projekt "Eagle in Flight" in Tirana und hat ein eigenes urban gardening Projekt – die Bewohner können im Garten eigenes Gemüse ernten.
The architectural photograph at the top of this page is showing the project "Eagle in Flight" in Tirana. A building with an integrated urban gardening project – the inhabitants can harvest their own vegetables in the garden.
Daimler AG
Die obige Fotografie stammt aus einer mehrteiligen Produktion für die Design Abteilung der Daimler AG.
The photograph is part of multiple foto shoots for the design unit of Daimler AG.
Bothe Richter Teherani Architekten
Das Bild oben entstand für einen Geschäftsbericht der Rickmers Holding.
I shot the above exhibited photo for the annual report of Rickmers Holding.
Das Bild von der Residenz Dr. Manke habe ich für die Eigenwerbung der Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner fotografiert. Die Fotografien dieser Produktion wurden als Hauptbestandteil der Fotoausstellung Private Houses sowie in mehreren Buchpublikationen genutzt.
I photographed the image of the residence Dr. Manke for house advertising of the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners. The photographs of this production were main part of the exhibition „Private House“ and were printed in several book publications.
Ostermann Architekten
Das Bild oben habe ich für die Prospekte des Generalunternehmers und für das Architekturbüro fotografiert.
The above standing photo was shot for the prime contractor and the architects office.
Architektur scoopstudio
Das Fotoshooting vom neuen Verlagshaus des Schleswig Holsteinischen Zeitungsverlags fand aus terminlichen Gründen bei Regen statt – und gelang wunderbar.
Due to a fixed date I had to shoot the new home to Schleswig Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag (publishing house) on a rainy day – didn´t it come out well?
Für Thomas Sabo habe ich den neueröffneten Shop am Neuen Wall in Hamburg fotografiert.
I have photographed the new Thomas Sabo store in Neuer Wall Hamburg for Thomas Sabo marketing.
Gnosa Architekten
Oben sehen Sie ein privates Penthouse in der Hamburger Innenstadt; fotografiert für den Architekten und das Immobilienunternehmen.
Above you can see a private penthouse in downtown Hamburg; shot for the architect and for a real estate company.
Die oben stehende Fotografie der Residenz Dr. Manke in Ulezen habe ich für die Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner fotografiert. Die Fotografien aus dieser Produktion wurden als grosser Bestandteil der Fotoausstellung Private Houses und in mehreren Buchpublikationen veröffentlicht.
I have shot this image for the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners.
von Gerkan Marg & Partner Architekten
Diese Fotografie der Residenz Dr. Manke wurde das Titelbild des Buches „Private Houses“ vom Architekturbüro von Gerkan, Marg und Partner.
This photograph of the residence Dr. Manke became the cover photo of the book „Private Houses“ published by von Gerkan, Marg and Partners.
blauraum Architekten
Das oben stehende Foto zeigt ein als Apartmenthaus umgenutztes Bürogebäude mit besonders wertiger Materialität.
The photo above shows an office building, which has been converted into an apartment house, with particularly high-quality materials.
Bothe Richter Teherani Architekten
Für die Darstellung des Hauptsitzes der Reederei Rickmers habe ich eine Perspektive gewählt, die einem Schiffsbug optisch möglichst Nahe kommt.
For the representation of the head office of the shipping company Rickmers I have chosen a perspective, which comes as close as possible to a ship´s bow.
Werblich orientierte Fotoshootings von Pflegeimmobilien erfordern Gespür, eine gute Kommunikatinsfähigkeit und viel Kreativität.
Advertising-oriented photo shoots of care homes require sensitivity, good communication skills and a lot of creativity.
Matthias Mecklenburg Architekt
Matthias Mecklenburg Architekt
Oben sehen Sie die Halle des Elektronenbeschleunigers DESY PETRA III mit geöffneten Deckeln. Meine Aufnahmen aus dieser Fotoproduktion wurden als Titelfoto und in der Festschrift zum 50jährigen Bestehen des DESY verwendet.
Above you can see the new hall of the electron accelerator DESY PETRA III. This image was used as the title photograph of the commemorative publication to the 50th anniversary of DESY.
Zaha Hadid Architekten
Das Foto oben zeigt eine Installation der britisch-persischen Architektin Zaha Hadid im Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg.
The photo above shows an installation by the British-Persian architect Zaha Hadid at the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg.
Richard Meyer Architekten
Für einige Jahre war ich Vertragsfotograf des Deutschen Bundestags. Aus dieser Zeit stammt das Bild vom Tunnel, der das Abgeordnetenhaus mit dem Parlamentsgebäude verbindet.
For some years I was contract photographer of the Deutscher Bundestag (German parliament). From this time comes the picture of the tunnel that connects the House of Representatives with the Parliament building.
Architekt Sir Norman Foster
Die Fotografie der Kuppel des Berliner Reichstags stammt aus meiner Zeit als Vertragsfotograf des Deutschen Bundestags.
I shot the above standing photograph of the Reichtstag building when I was working as acontract photographer of the German Bundestag.
Axel Schultes Architekten
Architektur scoopstudio
architectural photography
Are you an architect, an entrepreneur or an investor, and do you need professional architectural photography?
I’d be happy to assist you with professional photo shoots in Hamburg as well as throughout Europe.
I’ve been working as an
architectural photographer out of Hamburg for the last 20 years. My client list includes small and enterprise-sized architecture companies, international construction enterprises, construction materials manufacturers, public and private investors as well as small, medium and large-sized listed companies. Please find an extract of my
references here.
Just give me a call and we will work out a concept or a strategy for a professional photo shoot for your company together.
Whether you require photographs of specific details of your building, a panoramic view or just an
interior photograph — my professional architectural photographs are used on websites, as posters and in books. Architects also use them as application material when participating in architecture competitions.
Depending on the client and the purpose of a photo shoot, architectural photography might entail complex legal implications. As a proven expert in this field, I’ve held advanced training workshops for architects at the Hamburg Architectural Association. I’m happy to advise you during the preparation of your photo shoot. As an architectural photographer, I’ll take care of obtaining location releases as well as the management of usage rights, on request. To this end, I offer solutions that are finely tailored for architects who are planning to share the costs of the architectural photographs with other related trades. I’m happy to give you quotations for photo shoots for various purposes.
In the age of digitalisation, 3D architectural renderings have become the new standard. However, architectural models still play an important role as well. I can photograph these for you in a photo studio in Hamburg. I have many years of experience in this field — for instance, I have been photographing the ever-changing 32 sqm-sized model of Hamburg’s HafenCity for the last 15 years. If your architectural model may only be photographed on your premises, I’m also happy to bring the photo studio to you. Of course I can use this mobile photo for taking
staff photographs and other corporate photography , too.
Of course, I’ll also support the progress on your construction site by documenting the construction progress with professional photographs. For this purpose, I always have personal protective equipment as well as professional indemnity insurance at hand. I can also provide you with an overview of your construction project by taking
professional aerial photographs before, during and after completion of your project.
All my architectural photographs undergo professional image editing before delivery.
And last but not least: Taking high-quality architectural photographs under time constraints and after hours is part of the standard fare for a professional architectural photographer.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Dominik Reipka